Taking My Own Advice – Part 2

What if the advice you’ve been taking up until now WAS your own advice, but it isn’t working anymore? When do you switch to something else?

Here’s the dilemma:  Frequently, my advice to others and to myself has been to “never give up”. Pursue your dream, be persistent. Success is only a matter of time if you keep on going forward with the vision of what you want. Good advice?  Yes or no?

Presently, taking another piece of advice seems to make more sense to me. “Let go of whatever is no longer serving you.” What? That makes me crazy! I’m supposed to persevere, but I’m also supposed to let go. Those two ideas seem contradictory. Does that make you crazy, too?

Well, I went in search of an answer and here’s what I found. Cloris Kylie Stock published an article on this website:

Cloris came up with five signs that might help us know when it’s time to give up and try something else.

  1. Your quest to solve a problem takes over all other aspects of your life.
  2. You aren’t able to visualize a positive outcome.
  3. You start to feel poorly about yourself.
  4. You’re the only person who shows interest in solving the problem or reaching the goal, but the outcome also depends on other people.
  5. When you wake up in the morning, your first thought is to give up.


If that resonates with you, think about letting go of what’s no longer working for you.

I talked myself into having an online coaching business, because I hoped that the end would justify the means. I would reach more people and I might find it easier to make money. But the end is nowhere in sight and the means have become intolerable.

I believed what other people with online life coaching businesses preached. Those people were “successful”! There was no reason to believe that it would be any different for me. But, in fact, I was never comfortable with the means to get there, so success at it may have been unlikely – if not impossible – from the beginning!

The truth is that I am successful one-on-one or with groups of people attending a presentation or a workshop. I feel like I can truly help people that way, but I wasn’t patient enough to continue only doing that. I needed an income to support myself.

I have learned a lot through the experience of developing an online business, so I guess I really don’t regret making the effort. Life is all about learning, right? That’s one reason we are here. 

I am resolved about not having an online coaching business. I am also resolved to not give up on my dream of helping people through coaching!


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