Hand-Out for Class

FINDING YOUR MOXIE: The Courage to Be, Do, and Have What You Want



  1. Create a Vision for Your Life
  • A full-spectrum life is one that:
    1. Is lived _____________ or ___________________

    2. Is lived to your ____________________________

    3. Supports you in becoming ___________________

  • The two ways of thinking are:

    1. _________________________________________

    2. _________________________________________

  • The 4 domains of your life to be defined and designed are:

    1. _________________________________________

    2. _________________________________________

    3. _________________________________________

    4. _________________________________________


  1. Changing Your Perceptions
  • If you change the way ________________________,

        the things you look at ___________________.”

  • A paradigm is an individual’s ____________________ or _____________________ of his/her viewpoint.


  1. The Power of Intention
  • Our intention creates __________________________.

  • “Intention is simply the __________________ act of

        determining your ___________________ now”.


  1. Overcoming Fear, Doubt & Worry
  • Fear is the __________________________ of the

       _____________________  we have known.

  • To stop fear in its tracks:

    • Press the ______________ button and ________________

    • Acknowledge _______________________.

    • Refocus your ______________ on what you __________.

    • Ask, “_________________________________?”

    • Take that ________________.


If something bad happens, look it square in the face and say,

“I will handle it. But that is not where I am putting my energy. I am paying attention to what I can do today and what I can do now to move in the direction of the life I want.”

  1. Letting Go of What No Longer Serves You

  • “If we’re ___________________ to things, we are ___________________. Only by _________________can we be _________________.”

  • What are 2 things that you are hanging onto that are no longer serving you and how can you take back control?







  1. Making the Most of Your Strengths

  • Make two lists and see how they overlap:

Things You Enjoy                         Things You Are Good At

________________________        _________________________

________________________        _________________________

________________________        ________________________

________________________        ________________________

________________________        ________________________