Dealing with emotional overwhelm

A couple of days ago I wrote a blog about depression, which seems to be a prevailing mood right now for many people. The other emotion that causes stress for many people right now is overwhelm. “Stop the World I Want to Get Off!” is the title of a musical from the 1960’s and the […]

Dealing With Depression

FEELING DEPRESSED? What can you do about it? Does it feel like a black cloud is always overhead, even when it’s sunny outside? Are you feeling unmotivated even when a good opportunity comes along? Do you feel hopeless — like nothing is going to get better? Imagine now that you discover how to change that […]

Do you have a plan?

Does this resemble the twists and turns of your life? It looks chaotic, doesn’t it? My life definitely looked like that up until about 10 years ago (2007), when my awareness expanded and I realized something was seriously wrong. Whose life was I living, anyway” Truthfully, I hadn’t thought anything about life planning yet.  I just knew that I hadn’t […]

Can you create your own destiny?

“Your destiny may be waiting for you, but whether or not you meet your destiny is up to you.”     – Madisyn Taylor Some religions preach that our lives are pre-ordained. Followers accept that their lives are given over to a force greater than themselves — one that has determined their path and their destination. […]

Identity is the foundation for authentic living

Identity is constructed from core values. If someone is confused about what their core values are, they are also confused about their identity and will find it impossible to live authentically.  In business, identity is similar to what we know of as “branding”. Like identity, branding will only attract an audience if that audience shares […]

Finding Happiness

“When you decide to make your happiness the chief organizing principal of your life, everything else will fall into place and you’ll never make another mistake.”   –  Brian Tracy Those words from Brian Tracy make it seem so easy to have a fulfilling life. All you need to do (!) is to make happiness your […]

Mary’s Story

You will never do great things in the external world until you think great things in the internal world.” ~ Wallace Wattles You have probably heard the term, limiting belief, but maybe you haven’t realized how very important our thoughts are. This is a real story about a woman who almost died as a result of […]