Suffering = Pain X Resistance

Einstein’s equation is simple. The understanding and application of it is what is complex. And simple is not the same as “easy”. If it were easy, there would be no suffering in the world, right? I am writing this article to bring some clarity to this conundrum. The Buddha taught that life is suffering, but […]

Struggling With Depression

There are many explanations for WHY people get depressed. Those explanations can be helpful from a rational perspective, but depression isn’t rational, is it? In April 2017, I wrote an article titled, “Dealing With Depression”, and asserted the statement above. In that article, I listed some ways to deal with depression, but I didn’t tell […]

A Winter Solstice Blessing

  Pause and celebrate your personal progress. Then set your sights on your next goal. ~  Sara Coughlin For many people this time of year is one of the busiest, and in the midst of that, our world has completed another cycle around the sun. Do you acknowledge or celebrate the Winter Solstice? What […]

No Plan? No Sweat.

I get nervous if I don’t have a plan. My ego starts freaking out. Does that happen to you? If it does, you and I both need to heed the words of Mandy Hale in the quote for this blog: You don’t always need a plan. Sometimes you just need to breathe, trust, let go, […]