No Plan? No Sweat.

I get nervous if I don’t have a plan. My ego starts freaking out. Does that happen to you?

If it does, you and I both need to heed the words of Mandy Hale in the quote for this blog:

You don’t always need a plan. Sometimes you just need to breathe, trust, let go, and see what happens.”

I will literally force myself to sit down and diligently try to come up with a plan when one does not exist. The problem with that is that my mind (ego) is engaged, but my heart (intuition) is not. Waiting patiently for my heart to inform my mind can be stressful. In order to hear from my heart, I must be willing to go into silence and just wait. Arghhhh!

As with any change, trusting and letting go require that we set an intention. Beyond that, we also have to take action, which sometimes means just giving ourselves the space to allow whatever is there to reveal itself. 

I consider taking a walk in the woods or meditating to help open up the channels of my heart’s knowledge. Sometimes I resist even doing that, which I don’t understand. Again, it must be my ego coming from a place of fear. The actions I decide to take could feed into the fear or calm the fear by not feeding it.

Today, I have made a decision and set an intention to feed my faith rather than my fear. To do that, I need to put into action a few things, including:

  • Leaving my office
  • Driving out into the countryside
  • Finding a peaceful place to walk or just sit in silence
  • Asking for help 
  • Writing what I learned

For now, I would like to leave you with a meditation that I have recorded. The actual script is available as a PDF document, which you can request if you would like it, or you can just listen to the recording as many times as you would like.


Now, “breathe, trust, let go, and see what happens.”

Thank you for sharing!

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