A Winter Solstice Blessing


Pause and celebrate your personal progress. Then set your sights on your next goal.

~  Sara Coughlin


For many people this time of year is one of the busiest, and in the midst of that, our world has completed another cycle around the sun. Do you acknowledge or celebrate the Winter Solstice? What do you do to celebrate?

Friday, December 21, 2018, is the official day of the Winter Solstice. It represents the shortest day of the year (and the longest night!) in the Northern Hemisphere, as well as the official beginning of the winter season. What on earth can we gain from less sun light and potentially colder temperatures? It’s an opportunity for . . . introspection. 

This year Winter Solstice arrives one day before the full moon. This moon phase is associated with growth, development, and progress.  The final stage before the moon is full matches the energy of anticipation. That’s the feeling we get just before completing a major project or realizing a big goal. We are encouraged to keep moving forward, but at the same time, we are reminded of how far we’ve come.
The convergence of these two natural phenomena (solstice and the day before the moon is full) is a very positive coincidence with an overarching theme of GROWTH. In a way, we are given the opportunity to increase our own light to make up for some of the light missing from our daily existence. To celebrate this profound time, consider lighting a fire or a few candles and giving yourself some time for reflection on what choices you made in 2018 that were beneficial to you. You may have stopped doing something that was out of alignment with your values. You may have allowed love to flourish in a way that satisfies your heart’s desire.
If you like to reflect through writing, this is the perfect time to open your journal and record what’s been happening and what your intentions are for 2019. Ask yourself questions that encourage you to focus on conscious choices you made in 2018, and intentions you want to set for the coming year. What changes do you desire? What is within your power to manifest? What is a small step you can take right now to act on your intentions?
May the dawn of the Winter Solstice chase the dark away.
May it bring to you the promise of endless brand new days.
May all your sorrows vanish, and all your dreams come true.
And may the light of the Winter Solstice always shine on you.
Please comment below, if you wish. I’d love to hear what you think!