Connect With Your Heart Center

In the last blog, I gave an introduction to what is known as HeartMath. You learned that we are much stronger and more capable when we can use both the heart and the brain simultaneously. Because the heart connects us to the Universe, the life source, it’s important that we connect with it regularly. Otherwise, we are only paying attention to our cognitive brain, which demands the majority of our attention and gets it if we aren’t careful.  

In the intersection where our body and soul meet, our physical heart beats in time with the rhythm of the universe. It does the physical work of supplying our body with life force without our attention, but for its spiritual work, we need to be conscious. When we concentrate on its rhythm and glowing light, we remember that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. Then we know that we can choose any time to check in with our heart center, and in doing so, experience the joy of being in love with life.

~ Madisyn Taylor, DailyOM

Perhaps you are already aware that there are conversations going on within you all the time between your heart and your brain. Emotions generated in the heart and communicated to the brain generate chemical responses. If the emotions are negative, the brain responds in such a way that our bodies are alerted to protect us, elevating the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline. The signals are chaotic in nature.

In contrast, positive emotions like love, compassion, and gratitude, produce a harmonized signal that relaxes us. We don’t feel stress. We don’t feel danger. The stress hormones decrease and are replaced by hormones that support our immune system, for example. We have a sense of well-being. 

The dialogue between our heart and brain occurs at a very low frequency, so that we are usually not aware of it. But we can often sense the vibration, and so can other human beings and animals, like whales or dolphins. We get “vibes”, for example, that may be quite strong. It is here that the scientific and spiritual worlds intersect brought about by the heart-brain connection.

The Heart-Math Institute (HMI) has developed techniques that are safe, well-researched, and simple that allow us to apply the phenomenon of the heart/brain connection. The techniques are applied through an exercise called “Quick-Coherence”, which can be taught to anyone. If you are interested in learning more, go to the website of the Heart-Math Institute,

Gregg Braden in his article titled, “Accessing Your Heart Intelligence: How to Strengthen Your Intuitive Heart Brain Connection” warns us, though, that we must take care when sharing what we learn with others. He says:

 While your heart’s wisdom may be true for you, it may not always be true for someone else. Our friends, children, siblings, life partners, and families all have their own heart wisdom. We can’t possibly know with certainty what’s true for them. And we can’t always know how our well-intentioned sharing may affect the experience of another person. 

We must be discerning about why we want to share our new-found understanding with others, by asking the following questions:

  1. What is my intention in sharing what I’ve discovered?
  2. Who will benefit if I share this information? Or specifically, How will _______ benefit if I share this information? (Fill in the blank with the name of the person you’re considering sharing your revelation with.)
  3. Who can be hurt by my sharing of this information?

To read the full article, follow this link

Is this some kind of magic?  No, it’s not.  We are all born with this natural harmony and connection of the brain and heart until we were conditioned to separate them.

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