Identity is the foundation for authentic living

Identity is constructed from core values. If someone is confused about what their core values are, they are also confused about their identity and will find it impossible to live authentically. 

In business, identity is similar to what we know of as “branding”. Like identity, branding will only attract an audience if that audience shares the company’s core values. Unfortunately, branding has also been associated with “spin” in the corporate world, which is manipulative. It is expressed as a superficial superiority, but not a true identity.

If an individual or a company is inauthentic, it will not attract those that share it’s core values. If that happens, the connection is flimsy at best.

Identity must be consistent in order to come off as authentic. 

According to Sherrie Campbell, psychologist and author of Loving Yourself, The Mastery of Being Your Own Person, discusses authenticity in an article in Entrepreneur magazine (September 2016). She identifies 10 qualities of authentic people. They are:

  1. Self-reflective – a person who knows who they are, lives in harmony with themselves and doesn’t try to hide anything
  2. Healthy ego – authenticity has to come from your heart, not your head; success is not measured by status or money; acceptance and consideration for the ideas and feelings of others
  3. Focus on possibilities – focus is always on the long term; you are relationship oriented
  4. Good character – you stay in a place of integrity in all things; you have a sense of inner wholeness and don’t take yourself too seriously
  5. Visionary – you think with vision, always adding value to the relationships you have with others; self-development is paramount
  6. Listeners – your ego is not easily threatened; you value learning and thirst for the truth
  7. Transparent – open communication combining honesty with empathy; you are self-confident, but not conceited
  8. Open and consistent – non-judgmental and respectful towards yourself and others, while also sticking to your principles and not easily swayed by superficialities
  9. Team oriented – you give credit where it is due, are flexible and share your success and achievements with others
  10. Draw upon experience – you live in the present moment, drawing upon every experience to live in a thorough and thoughtful way

Do you aspire to be authentic? How do you rate yourself on authenticity?  On a scale of 1 – 10 (with ten being the highest level), where do you rank with regard to these qualities.

Who do you know in your life who is authentic? What qualities do they have?

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