Share Your Gift With the World!

Every gift lying dormant in your soul has the potential to fill a void in someone else’s life. ~ Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM  Life is a journey that provides us with opportunities to learn, grow and share with others. So, why aren’t you sharing your gifts — be that knowledge or know-how — with others? […]

Dealing with turbulent times

” . . . we can never know what will happen to us next. We can try to control the uncontrollable by looking for security and predictability, always hoping to be comfortable and safe. But the truth is that we can never avoid uncertainty. This not-knowing is part of the adventure. It’s also what makes […]

The Ripple Effect

The choices you make have far-reaching consequences. Each of us carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse.  – From the article, “The Ripple Effect – From Heartbeat to Eternity” (link below) Article on the Ripple Effect Many of us don’t know or understand how much power we […]

Freedom of Choice

Nurture your personal power by honoring your dreams and desires. Make concrete plans to manifest them in the world. Start by making a list of things you want, and let yourself think big.    ~ Paraphrase of Madisyn Taylor in her post, “Personal Freedom”  If you live in one of the countries in the world that has […]

Set Your Sails

“To reach a port we must sail, sometimes with the wind, and sometimes against it. But we must not drift or lie at anchor.” — Oliver Wendell Holmes Many people make plans for their vacation but rarely do people make a plan for their life, as ridiculous as that may sound.  Life happens whether we […]

Making Room for What is Coming

 Okay … so you have your dream, your vision of a life you would love. Why is it so difficult to manifest that dream? Six things need to change before you are ready to fully live that new life: Shift Your Perception Increase Your Sense of Deserving Face Your Fears Feed Your Faith Increase Your […]

Finding Your Purpose

 Purpose gives our life meaning. When you discover your purpose, you can live your life with intention and make choices that serve your objective for why you are here on the planet. Finding your purpose is not always easy. You must embrace life wholeheartedly, explore many different pathways, and allow yourself to grow. Madison Taylor […]

Telling Your Truth

Trusting myself has always been a struggle. I can’t remember a time growing up when I actually trusted myself more than I trusted those around me. I somehow thought that others knew more than I did. That I was somehow flawed. Telling my truth and living my truth was scary! It was so scary that […]

Circumstances Keeping You Stuck?

Often we think the circumstances in our lives are preventing us from moving forward.  Not enough time. Not enough money. Too old. Too young. Don’t have the skills or education.  Any of those sound familiar?  What beliefs are keeping you stuck? The words we use when we think about ourselves are very powerful. Catch yourself. […]

Make time for yourself!

Fun isn’t something that is given or done to you, it is something that you allow yourself to experience. – Madisyn Taylor Having a grandson has reminded me of how much fun it is to be a kid. At almost 3 years old, he is curious about everything and loves it when we play imaginary games. […]