Spending Time

If you are not satisfied with your life right now, you need to look at how you are spending your time, because how you spend your time IS YOUR LIFE.

Most of us feel like we don’t have enough time. We feel stressed out, worried, overwhelmed by the demands of our day-to-day life. If we allow that pattern to continue, we will remain on the Hamster Wheel indefinitely, and ultimately we will reach the end of our lives with nothing to show for it. Is that what you want? I doubt it.

We become overwhelmed because there is just so much to do, and we think we need to do it all. There are a lot of demands in our personal lives. There are things to do at work. It’s easy to convince ourselves that there is a shortage – a scarcity – of time. Then we start using the fact that we are busy as an excuse to defend ourselves from other obligations.

Change your thinking about time. Think of it as being abundant. Tell yourself, “I have all the time in the world.” Once you start saying that to yourself, you will notice when you are wasting time doing things that are not really important. The truth is that there’s only one thing to do and that is the one thing you are doing right now. Question whether or not you really want to be doing that one thing.

To do your best work in the present moment, you need to be centered and focused. When you do that, you take your mind off all the other things that make you feel like time is scarce. Here are 3 secrets to achieving a sense of time abundance:

Stop using time as an excuse

Notice when you are saying to yourself, “I don’t have enough time” and then look for the truth. When you feel like you don’t have enough time, it’s usually because you are doing something that you don’t want to spend time on. You have other priorities that are more important to you.

Relax your timelines

Give yourself more time to get projects done, because in general, it takes more time to get something done than we expect.

Master your boredom

We say we want more time, but then we get it, we start filling it up with “stuff”, like watching TV, picking up the phone, grabbing a magazine, surfing the web, posting on Facebook, etc. etc. Pay attention to those times when you feel bored and just be present to it. Acknowledge your gratitude for having time to just appreciate life.

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Last Modified on October 11, 2017
this article Spending Time